Changing the background of a Folder (Windows XP)


Written on 3:23 PM by Rupesh Dhaka

When you open any folder in your computer, what do you see in the background of that folder?? Just a boring white background? Do you want to change this white background?
Yes you can change the background of a folder without any software. You really don't need any software for changing the folder background. Here i am writing the steps for changing the background of a folder :-

1: Open notepad

2: Write the following code in notepad. Or you can simply copy and paste it in notepad
 IconArea_Image= "path of image (with extension)"
 for example : i have an image file in my C drive. The name of the image file is "girls.jpg"
                     So in the above code i just have to change the
                     IconArea_Image field. And it will be
                     IconArea_Image = "C:\girls.jpg"

3: Save file in the targeted folder with the name "Desktop.ini"
                     Here i save the file in a folder in my F: drive. "F:\SWS"
                     As you can see in the following image that i have a Desktop.ini
                     file in the above mentioned folder .

4: But still the background is white. So to see the change that we have
    made we have to issue the following command :
                        i)  Open Run box (go to start and then click on run) or (press
                             Window key and then press R)
                        ii)  Now type cmd in the Run Box to open command prompt.
                       iii)  Now we have to reach out for the directory conataining
                             our targeted folder in the command prompt.
                             e.g : here, our targeted folder (containing the Desktop.ini
                                     file) is in F: drive.
                       iv)  And then  issue the following command : attrib +s
                              e.g : here the command will be F:\>attrib +s SWS
             Note : if the folder name is too long or include spaces then use 
                        the following command to shorten the name of the folder :
                        dir /x. This command will show all the files and folders of 
                        the current directory with their short names. Then you can 
                        use that short name for your folder.

click image to enlarge it

5: Now Open your folder and you will see the image ( whose path has been given by you in the
     Desktop.ini file) as the background of your folder. That's it!!

6: If you also want to change the text color of the folder data. then simply open your desktop.ini 
    file and add the following line in the end
     IconArea_Text = "0xColor_Code"

     e.g. :   IconArea_Text = "0xff2562"
     this is a six digit hexadecimal code. you can try different codes. you can download color codes
     from the following link

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